Non-Linear Crystals
GWU offers all standard NLO crystals as well as new, innovative materials with a wide range of specifications from Castech:

Laser Crystals – GWU
GWU offers all standard laser crystals as well as sophisticated new materials with a wide range of specifications from Castech:
30 Years of Crystal Experience
GWU-Lasertechnik offers all common laser crystals and standard non-linear crystals with a broad variety of specifications. Beside the well-established materials, there are innovative crystals available with outstanding properties for e. g. deep-UV generation or high-power ultrashort pulse lasers. Crystals and optical components are manufactured by GWU’s partner Castech Inc. The outstanding quality and design flexibility of Castech’s optical crystals and coatings is well-known, supplying thousands of laser manufacturers and researchers worldwide.
Beyond birefringent crystalline materials for frequency conversion, GWU’s range also includes periodically-poled crystals from the pioneer of commercial PPLN, HC Photonics. Besides periodically-poled chips, as bulk or waveguide, for self-integration, our portfolio includes ready-to-use devices (Mixers), either free-space or fiber-coupled.