About us:
Since more than 30 years GWU-Lasertechnik are well known experts for crystals, optics and non-linear frequency conversion. Due to its competence and superior service, GWU has established a broad base of satisfied customers in the industrial branch as well as in scientific research facilities worldwide. GWU offers laser crystals and optical non-linear crystals, optics and laser components with a broad variety of specifications.
Learn more about our History:
Non-Linear Optics, 1988

Bringing Non-linear Optics to the Market
GWU-Lasertechnik was founded as a sales and service organization for lasers and laser components. Starting with access to a wide expertise in non-linear optics and laser applications, GWU’s mission was, and still is, to provide excellent, reliable products and service to the advantage of its customers. Right from the beginning, GWU engaged in a close, and still-lasting partnership with the Fujian Institute of Research on the Structure of Matter (FIRSM, today: Castech, Inc.) to bring crystals products to the German market. Castech is a valued partner, supplying crystals and optics.
OPO-A, 1989

First commercial BBO OPO
Having access to new, high-quality non-linear crystals, it was subsequent for GWU to use its expertise to develop laser products around these innovative materials. As a pioneer, GWU introduced the first commercial BBO (OPO-A) at the Laser – World of Photonics fair in Munich in 1989. The GWU OPO product line has been developed and improved continuously and is available in the 5th generation today. The GWU-OPOs are distributed worldwide by Lumibird.
OPO-C, 1993

Improving OPO-Technology
The OPO-C came with an improved optics design covering a wider wavelength range without any user action required. The new mechanical design reduced the footprint significantly. First motorized versions for automated tuning were available.
FHG, 1993

Ultrafast OEM Devices
Due to its growing expertise in non-linear optics and laser application, GWU was able to provide tailored solutions for generating and manipulating tunable, ultrashort laser pulses at almost any wavelength. In 1993 we started our product series of pico- and femtosecond devices and the close, still-lasting OEM cooperation with Spectra Physics. The FHG-Series for Ti:Sa Oscillators were the first commercial ultrafast Harmonic Generators covering the visible and ultraviolet spectral range by second harmonic generation, third harmonics generation and fourth harmonic generation.
Norma, 1996

Narrow linewidth OPOs
Based on intensive research and development, improved the spectral properties of OPOs. The devices of the Norma-series used external spectral filtering to provide narrow bandwidth output.
VisiIR, 1999

3rd generation of GWU-OPOs
The complete redesign of our devises was the dawn of a new OPO series. With the development of broadband optics, the complete tuning range of the OPO was covered with one mirror set, obsoleting any user-interference and realignment. Midband OPO configurations introduced intrinsic narrow-linewidth operation and enabled the UV extensions to address wavelength down to 206 nm.
Q-swichted, 2004

Q-switched DPSS Lasers
GWU engaged in a partnership with Xiton Photonics GmbH to bring industrial-grade, Q-switched DPSS lasers with non-linear frequency conversion to the market.
HC Photonics, 2005

Periodically-Poled Crystals
Periodically-poled crystals have revolutionized the oportunities for non-linear frequency conversion. GWU is proud on its relationship with the poineer of the PPLN technology, HC Photonics, supplying freqeuncy converter chips, waveguides and ready-to-use PPLN devices.
scanSeries, 2006

4th generation of GWU-OPOs
GWU’s scanSeries OPOs introduced a new rugged mechanical design for best reliability and ULD-OPO configuration with ultra-low divergence for best beam quality. The wide range of configurations is addressing the diversity of scientific application of tunable light.
NP Photonics, 2007

Single-Frequency Fiber Lasers
GWU is engaged in a partnership with NP Photonics supplying narrow linewidth fiber lasers.
Kaiserslautern, 2009

The Kaiserslautern Facilities
To increase its business on the non-linear OPO and ultrafast devices, GWU expanded to new production and R&D facilities in Kaiserslautern. Joining in a community with the Photonik-Zentrum Kaiserslautern e.V., grants GWU the access to an excellent photonics cluster and wide-ranging research capabilities.
UHG, 2015

Ultrafast Harmonic Generator
With our new „Ultrafast Harmonic Generator (UHG)“ Series for widely tunable femto- and picosecond lasers, we continue the successful FHG-series and our long-lasting partnership with Spectra Physics, providing state-of-the-art pico– and femtosecond frequency conversion devices. The UHG-series improves the performance of the FHG and adds features like high-power capability, gap-free automated tuning and integrated pulse picking.
PrimoScan ,2017

5th generation of GWU-OPOs
Pumped at 355 nm the primoScan provides widest, continuous tuning from the UV range, across the visible spectrum up to infrared wavelength with highest output energies. The fast–switching capability allows for changing its wavelength from shot-to-shot across the entire range. The modular design of the primoScan ensures the optimum versatility for almost any application. All options, including UV generation, are integrated in one single box with convenient, automated control standard for hands-free operation.
OEM Systems, 2021

Integrated YAG-OPO Systems
Our latest devices continue with our philosophy to provide reliable and user-friendly tunable laser systems for a wide range of applications. The Laser OPO packages seamlessly integrate state-of-the-art YAG-Lasers and the most advances OPO technology. Our robust all-solid-state technology provides intuitive features and interfaces that allow for easy OEM machine integration as well as for convenient usage in research labs.
Optosky, 2021

Modular Spectrometers
GWU-Lasertechnik engaged in a partnership with Optosky, enlarging its portfolio by compact, modular spectrometer devices.
Spectrolight, 2023

Tunable Filters
GWU-Lasertechnik is extending its portfolio by the products of Spectrolight Inc. The core of SLI’s tunable light sources is the patented TwinFilm technology for broadband angle dependence bandpass filters. Paired with a broadband light source, a plug&play tunable light source is formed and can be used without any alignment or adjustments.