Isolators & Faraday Rotators
Quality Faraday isolators and rotators with high transmission, high isolation, large apertures and high mounting flexibility.
- Faraday Rotators
- Free Space Isolators
- High-power In-line Isolators
- Fiber-to-free-space Isolators
- … [More].
All windows are available in various materials, specifications and coatings.
- Parallel Windows
- Rectangular Windows
- Square Windows
- Brewster Windows
- … [More]
We offer broadband metallic mirrors as well as dielectric broadband and laser line coatings on various substrates.
- Metallic Coatings
- Dielectric Coatings
- Parallel Mirrors
- Rectangular Mirrors
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Prisms are available in various geometries and sizes, coated or uncoated.
- Right Angle Prisms
- Porro Prims
- Retro-Reflectors
- Pellin Broca Prisms
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We offer spherical and cylindrical lenses, available in various sizes, with or without coating.
- Plano-Convex/Concave Spherical Lenses
- Bi-Convex/Concave Spherical Lenses
- Miniscus Lenses
- Plano-Convex/Concave Cylindrical Lenses
- … [More]
Half- and Quarter-Waveplates for various wavelength or for broadband applications in different orders.
- Muli-Order Waveplates
- (True) Zero-Order Waveplates
- Achromatic Waveplates
- Mounts and Holders for Waveplates
- … [More]
Various Types of Rotators and Polarizers in standard or customized design.
- Polarization Rotators
- Glan-Polarizers
- Wollaston Polarizers
- Beam-Splitter Cubes
- … [More]
Beam Splitters
Beam Splitters based on polarization separation or non-polarizing optics.
- Broadband or Laser-line
- Dielectric Beam Splitters
- Non-polarizing Beam Splitters
- Beam-Splitter Cubes
- … [More]
Antireflective Coatings
High qualtiy antireflective coatings, broadband or for single laser lines.
- Single layer and protective coatings
- Single, double and triple V-type antirefelctive coatings
- broadband antireflective coatings
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GWU-Lasertechnik offers all kind of standard and customized optical compponents. Our assortment includes windows, prisms, waveplates, polarizing optics and many more standard items. We are able to offer a wide range of materials with various specifications:
• Optical glass – UV Fused Silica, N-BK7, Boroflorat, SF2, N-SF5, …
• Optical crystal – CaF2, Silicon, Ge, ZnSe, YAG, …
• Birefringent material – MgF2, YVO4, Quartz, alpha-BBO, Sapphire, …
• Coatings – broadband or laser-line antireflective, refelctive, beam-splitting or protective coatings, …
State-of-the-art production methods by GWU’s partner Castech grant for highest accuracy and efficiency. All items pass a strict quality control. The outstanding quality and design flexibility of Castech’s optical crystals and coatings is well-known, supplying thousands of laser manufacturers and researchers worldwide.

No matter if individual pieces are required or cost-efficient numbers in in small, medium or large batches with in-time delivery are needed: GWU’s dedicated service helps to find the best core components for your application. As GWU is not only a distributor but also a well-known manufacturer of laser devices, a wide knowledge and in-field experience can be shared to the advantage of its customers. Please download our complete catalogue of optical componnets for a comprehensive overview of our portfolio and specifications!